
Lifetech Scientific (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

Add: 14F, LifeTech Scientific Building, No.22, Keji 12th Road South, High-tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, PRC
Tel: 86-755-86026250
Fax: 86-755-86026251
Email: lifetechmed@lifetechmed.com

Marketing Dept. (Market and Product Inquire)

Email: lifetechmed@lifetechmed.com

Tel: 86-755-86026250-8905

Business Support Dept. (Distributor Inquire and Collaboration)

Email: marketing@lifetechmed.com

Public Relations Dept. (Media Inquire)

Email: pr@lifetechmed.com

Investor Relations Dept. (Investor Inquire)

Email: ir@lifetechmed.com

LifeTech Scientific (Europe) Coöperatief U.A.

Add: Oliemolenstraat 60, 6416CB Heerlen, the Netherlands
Tel: +86-755-86026250
Email: lifetecheu@lifetechmed.com